Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Inuksuk at the Town Beach: Aurora Borealis and Blue Skies

After making our way to town behind the front loader, we spent 3-4 days there seeing all of the sights in the town of Churchill. Each day and night, we came back to the Inuksuk at the town beach which sits on Hudson Bay.
Our first night, we walked across town over to the Inuksut (a challenging, nippy walk and almost lost Brian) in hopes of seeing the aurora. Despite the glowing lights of the town, the aurora danced over the bay in a splendid way. Brian had the extra challenge of being our photographer that night, and he did a fantastic job in the cold and the dark.
Chris and Dick admire the northen lights!
Brian took a souvenir photo by "painting" our faces in light for 1-2 seconds

During our daytime visits, we checked out the icy/snowy frozen water. Each day we saw a thick dark layer of moisture just above the horizon. This is what happens when a lead opens up and huge amounts of moisture escape. The dark area looked like smoke, and I am pretty sure it is referred to as ice smoke.

Check out the photo below. Almost looks like a daytime aurora, doesn't it? Just a contrail. So I had my day and the beach and a night at the beach too!

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