Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Boreal Beauty at CNSC

At CNSC, we sit on the edge of the boreal forest. Borealis is the Latin word for "of the north", so it is a fitting description. Today we sit inside as there is a snowstorm outside. My fellow traveler tells me that he is just watching the trees disappear and then reappear as he gazes out at the landscape I love so much.
Two days ago we all traveled out to visit the boreal forest. We climbed into komatiks (box-like sleds pulled behind snowmobiles) for a short ride into the forest. I am always astounded by the beauty and the quiet once we arrive.
Entering the forest
Staff from CNSC gave a demonstration of snow sampling to demonstrate the data collection techniques for studying the snowpack. Photo courtesy of Chris Haller

There was also a quinzhee which had been built perhaps a week earlier. A quinzhee is a temporary shelter that is created from a pile of snow with a  hollowed out area. Notice the sticks in the top. They are inserted 6" into the pile so that as you hollow it out, you will know to leave it a thickness of 6".

This is a good time to look for animal tracks. This year I found two bunnies out for a walk- snowshoe hair? Some folks tried out snowshoes which are a necessity if you walk off the snowpacked trail. While the wind blows the snow from open areas, the opposite happens in the forest. The trees trap the snow, and it can be very deep- deceivingly deep.

Many of us walked back along the snowmobile trail until we came out onto Launch Road. We followed this across the lake  and through through the old rocket range. That will perhaps be another post, as we had a fascinating tour yesterday morning.
I snagged a ride home on the last leg of the walk, and had a komatik all to myself. Felt like a snow queen!

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